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Research centers

In Italy Buzzi Unicem has two central structures for research and development activities. With the acquisition of the German company Dyckerhoff, which started in 2001, these R&D structures also work in close contact with the Wilhelm Dyckerhoff Institut (WDI) in Wiesbaden (Germany), one of the most well equipped and prestigious research centres in Europe in the field of hydraulic binders.

The history The history

The research centers operating in Italy are located in Guidonia, near Rome, and in Trino, not far from our headquarters

The activities The activities

Both Guidonia "Centro Ricerche" and Trino central laboratory are provided with state of the art equipment and instrumentation

The ACCREDIA accreditation The ACCREDIA accreditation

The Buzzi Unicem “Centro Ricerche” in Guidonia is a laboratory accredited by ACCREDIA according to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard